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18 quotes pregnancy announcement

May 19, 2022 · The battle for mama’s attention begins (month, year) Break out the pickles and ice cream! We are pregnant! Don’t be sad for us. It was on purpose. Looking forward to a new tax …Jul 12, 2022 · Pregnancy Announcement Quotes for Instagram. “We are about to receive the most adorable present of our life. Keep us in your prayers.”. “God has showered me with many …Jun 27, 2020 · It is with great joy that we announce we are expecting. If you have noticed a glow on our faces, it’s because we are dreaming of life with our baby who is due [date]. The blessings …

quotes pregnancy announcement

Breathe baby up first

(Image: AFP)

When one woman died from heart failure in her 30s, she said she had been treated for a "huge illness" after a baby was born.

She said a "loud, quiet screaming" gave her the courage to "wake up".

The 26-year-old was being monitored by doctors as she waited for an injection of oxygen, she said.

But her son had been taken away. (Image: Getty)

Her husband, David, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, died in hospital, while her sister, Anna, was also in hospital.

"It was a great shock, there has been so much anguish," said the mother, who added she was relieved to hear the news.

"It was amazing. It felt real right as I walked into The Hospital.

"I am grateful. I am thankful I had my son."

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