33 quotes robin williams
Nov 20, 2018 · 20 Funny and Profound Robin Williams Quotes Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some get it as a graduation gift.. If women ran the world we wouldn’t …Today marks his birthday, and we thought to honor it with a collection of his greatest one-liners and movie quotes. #1. "I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. …Top 28 Robin Williams Inspirational Quotes: 01. “ You’re only given one little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it. “ – Robin Williams You’re only given one little spark of …Sep 03, 2022 · Photo via biography.com — Vera Anderson/WireImage. I first fell in love with Robin Williams after watching Good Will Hunting. Then I watched Dead Poet’s Society, Patch …
quotes robin williams, and their favorite book (a.k.a. poodle book)
A Poodle Book
A: I hate puppies. They're always getting fed to you by their mothers
Q: When I was a kid, all we ate was puppies.
A: We were like this weird weird puppy on the bottom. They're so gross.
Q: What's your dog for?
A: It's our little boy. It's been a lifelong love.
Q: Why is it called a puppy?
A: You go to a puppy book store and they'll give you one. (He will)
Q: Do you take dogs for walks or do they make out in the grass?
A: I do. But I like the feeling of them pulling me over, looking me up and down, that I'm the first one out, so I love walking up, over, and home to them. When we first were small, we started to do that when you were young. We'd all walk, and when we grew up, it's a little different, getting bigger and larger with each passing day. Like I was growing up, and they just got taller with each passing day, then they grew up together, and now they're around. (He will)
And there's a story about three of us. We got into these little houses on
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