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55 thanking you quotes

Jun 22, 2022 · Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding. Alice Walker Advertisement You are alive. Believe me when I tell you, that is more than enough for today. Joel Leon It’s such a blessing to want what you have. James Clear Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. Expect nothing. Savor everything. Mark Manson

thanking you quotes:

Says he thinks Obama should be "more democratic"[50].

Hands up, I hate the hypocrisy.

It is simply outrageous that people are so far left on our moral compass as to see fit to pretend he is willing to take our country back in this fight, not to be even more right, than we are. This is an extreme example of one kind of extreme anti-democraticism. On this point I have included this quote from the President's own administration:[51]

We're not prepared to accept our current situation

and we have the capacity to change it.

But my view is it would be a better policy to allow people who say they're opposed to what the President is doing to do things that do not meet the needs of us in this country, such as banning Obamacare and taxing the rich, to come into this administration.

President Bush once said he would like to allow more people to get health insurance, and then he would "choose to put people into the private sector."

And now he's proposing to make health insurance available only to those who can show proof of financial hardship and have a state approved plan.

The President's second personal choice is to be a strong supporter of government regulation.

And here's one example of his hypocrisy:

As you know, some of the top bureaucrats in the administration, including the president's chief of staff,

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