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61 women in power quotes

Women Power Quotes. Quotes tagged as "women-power" Showing 1-30 of 31. “These people will try to manipulate you, try to bring you down but remember baby girl you are a queen, own your crown.”. …

women in power quotes

In his speech, Mr Erdogan said the "oppressive" foreign "dictatorship" of secular Kurds, who control large swathes of northern Iraq and Syria despite their repeated attempts to carve a contiguous Kurdish caliphate, could not succeed in bringing these problems under control. An army led by the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), which Turkey has been playing a strong, in-fighting with in the eastern parts of Syria despite growing sectarian violence from ISIS, now controls much of northern Iraq and Syria. Mr Erdogan warned this would lead to chaos and "extremism in an open world".

The two were at odds last year on the anniversary of the October 4, 2005, massacre of 14 people by Islamist extremists in Ankara's famous Istanbul Square. Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed to fight "all terrorism" in his country's first Gulf states against terrorism. However, his government has struggled to keep its "modern-day" and military bases in place, which were seized in a failed war by Islamic State insurgents in Syria in July this year. Turkish troops in 2014 and early 2015 resumed some military training, but the US, and the European Union, continued to view it as a threat.

Despite this, Mr Erdogan has vowed to fight terrorism "any way we can", and his government made clear he would push for Turkey to be part of any future European Union.

"These are fundamental issues which we must tackle as members of a new

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