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22 quotes on accountability

quotes on accountability, or what's the best way to deal with people who are not fit to work in our culture. That's where, of course, we had to take responsibility. Then again, as far as the IRS and the Department of Justice talking about, there did not seem to be any real accountability. And then, there was the IRS being sued for having to do what the IRS and DOJ had in mind. That was just a lot of stuff that was not really fair, which were all underhanded things.

But the one area where there really seemed to be a difference is that there was the fact that they were doing a lot of things, like targeting people who weren't being paid in cash. All of which raises a lot of technical questions.

On top of that, they were using the IRS as an example: What kind of financial transactions should be allowed? Well, you know, some transactions are illegal — I mean, I think you should know that," she said. "So, we were talking about what really qualifies as income tax evasion. But there is really nothing going on here that would be classified as that at all. The IRS has said, okay, I'll turn over everything and look at it like I have nothing to hide. So we should have said to the IRS, 'You know, go through the process with the auditors to make sure you have this under control.' And the auditors said they would also take a look

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